Shawn is a native Iowan and Boone County resident with over 30 years of experience in leadership and making tough decisions. Shawn has proven his ability to lead while taking care of those under his charge. A Combat Veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, Shawn stood on the front lines as an Infantryman making leadership calls under tense situations.
Shawn is retired from military service and is seeking to serve the citizens of Boone County.
Currently, Shawn serves on several committees in Boone County. He is co-chair for the Boone County Zoning and Commission board; and serves on the Boone County Search and Rescue, Boone Green Space Committee, and the strategic planning committee. A strong believer in protecting our environment, he and his family participates in the Boone County Adopt a Road program.
Shawn and his wife, April, along with their four sons enjoy the many attributes Boone County has to offer and are avid campers at Don Williams.
Shawn’s goals are:
Fiscal responsibility
Cooperation with our cities
Equal pay for equal work
Enhancement of County parks
Continue secondary road improvements
Protection of people through effective law enforcement
Veteran support